Nissan Versa
Sedan Service Manual
Body exterior, doors, roof & vehicle security » Body repair (BRM) » Body alignment
- All dimensions indicated as shown are actual.
- When using a tracking gauge, adjust both pointers to equal length. Then
check the pointers and gauge itself
to make sure there is no free play.
- When a measuring tape is used, check to be sure there is no elongation,
twisting or bending.
- Measurements should be taken at the center of the mounting holes.
- An asterisk (*) following the value at the measuring point indicates
that the measuring point on the other side
is symmetrically the same value.
- The coordinates of the measurement points are the distances measured
from the standard line of ″X″, ″Y″
and ″Z″.

Engine Compartment

* Figures marked with an * indicate symmetrically identical dimensions on
both RH and LH sides of the vehicle.


Passenger Compartment

* The vehicle is symmetrically identical dimensions on both RH and LH
sides of the vehicle.

* The vehicle is symmetrically identical dimensions on both RH and LH
sides of the vehicle.
Measurement Points

Rear End Panel

* The vehicle is symmetrically identical dimensions on both RH and LH
sides of the vehicle.
More about «Body alignment»:
Nissan Versa Sedan Service Manual
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